Quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns Give that dog the least opportunity and it will bite you.She had less time to study than I did but had better results.Scientists have little hope of finding a complete cure for cancer before 2010.The country with the fewest people per square kilometre must be Australia.Fewer people die young now than in the nineteenth century.

Students score one point for every grammatically correct and appropriate noun. 'I can see a few bags, a large number of students, a little dust on the table', etc. After one minute, students take it in turns to give their answers by making a sentence with the quantifiers, e.g. Students then have one minute to complete the first row on their worksheet with nouns that fit that category, one for each quantifier heading. Read the first category to the class, i.e. The students' task is to complete each row with nouns that fit a certain category. The worksheet contains five columns with quantifiers as headings ( a few, a little, some, a large number of, a large amount of). In this engaging quantifiers game, students race to write down countable and uncountable nouns that belong to different quantifiers and categories.